Maths at Exeter
We love maths at Exeter! Here you can find some useful resources to assist in your child's learning in mathematics.
GEN Numeracy - This is our parent support kit for numeracy!
School A to Z - Resources to help with mathematical concepts and terminology.
Khan Academy - Online tutorials and explanations of concepts.
Mathematics K-10 Syllabus - The syllabus we follow in NSW schools.
Syllabus Glossary - Mathematical terminology and meanings.
Snapshot 21st Century Maths - Resources to help with teaching and learning in maths.
Math is Fun - Games, notes and activities to build mathematical skills and understandings.
TENs Activities for Home - Activities for TENs provided by Dubbo South PS.
Mathematics Syllabus
The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
By studying mathematics, students learn to work mathematically – developing fluency, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning and communication skills.
The syllabus consists of the following strands:
- number and algebra
- measurement and geometry
- statistics and probability.